Student handbook

Concert Attire

Gentlemen and Male Presenting: Black tuxedo (or black coat and trousers), white shirt, black socks, black shoes, and black bow tie.   

  • Ladies and Female Presenting: LONG (tea or ankle length) black skirt without a long slit, black slacks or black dress. Either of these may be worn with a black long-sleeved or ¾ length sleeved blouse. Or, you may wear a long-sleeved black dress (no low necklines). If you have a long dress with short black sleeves or no sleeves, you must wear a long sleeved black jacket or sweater with the dress. Absolutely NO dress or skirt above, at, or just below the knee will be accepted. It does not look appropriate on stage. Black hose or tights, black shoes, and minimal jewelry must be worn by all.

Final decisions regarding attire will be at the discretion of the LYO orchestra manager or conductors. Concert attire is required for pictures. Inappropriate attire may jeopardize a musician’s participation in a concert. If a student has outgrown their concert attire, please consider donating to another LYO student by posting a photo and description in the LYO Facebook page.